Sunday, September 1, 2024


In 2024, six students receiving a bursary from Mission Mexico graduated from different universities in Mexico: These included three teachers, an accountant, a lawyer, and a nurse. In August of this year, Mission Mexico awarded bursaries to the following nine students from the mountains of Guerrero. I hope that the Mission Mexico supporters are proud to be assisting such incredible young people, living in such impoverished conditions, in the pursuit of their dreams. Hopefully, we can support even more young people in the future.


I am Nancy Abigail Perez Mendez, I am 19 years old, I am originally from Zapotitlán Tablas, Guerrero, in the town of Las Minas. I just finished high school at Bachillerato Champagnat de la Montaña. My family is made up of 8 people, my grandfather, an aunt, my mother, three little brothers and me. Currently, I only have my mother, she is the one who is in charge of everything since my father abandoned us when we were little and he has never supported us in anything; even if he sees us, he
doesn't even talk to us. I speak Tlapaneco. It was in high school that there emerged the feeling of wanting to help others. That is why I also chose that career because I trust that it will give me more opportunities, and these will allow me to help others, just as they helped me. I have gotten good grades at school because I feel that it is a way to thank my mother for everything she does for me. I am studying Economics and International Finance at the Marist University of Querétaro, since I am interested in knowing how the market works. I am very attracted to being able to coordinate companies and I even want to have my own company. I have always had a great inclination for business, and this career will allow me to achieve most of my goals. My degree lasts four years. At the university, when I finish, I must provide a service by applying my degree. When I finish my degree, I hope to have a job in which I can have a apply everything I know. I also want to have my own business.  I ask for this support from Mission Mexico because I do not receive any other support from the government or from another institution. My family and I need support because my mother is the only one who helps me with these expenses, and she also has to cover more expenses regarding my little brothers (one is in high school, another in middle school, and the other in elementary school).




My name is Karla Jaqueline Ramirez Guzman, I am 19 years old, originally from Malinaltepec, Gro. I am studying to be a Biological Chemist and Parasitologist in Chilpancingo, Gro. I will be in my second year of study next semester. I went to high school in Malinaltepec. I have a large family, including my mother. I speak Mepháá. I also had to work part-time to cover some of my school expenses. I chose to become a chemist because I like it, and it is necessary to support the neediest people in marginalized towns, since health issues have been given very little priority and many communities do not have this type of service. My degree lasts four and a half years. We have to serve a community or an institution associated with the degree. At the end, I plan to serve communities that need it. I receive support from the university’s community kitchen where they charge us 10 pesos for food. I need the support from Mission Mexico because my mother's salary is not enough, since we are two siblings studying.

• Karla Jaqueline Ramírez Guzmán



My name is Angely Valeria Salmerón Oscuro, I am 18 years old, originally from the indigenous municipality of Ayutla de los Libres, Gro. I am currently studying at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Unidad Xochimilco, in my first year of a Medicine degree. I am part of a family with a mother, father and two children, I have always liked poetry and oratory, practicing it since the 2nd year of preschool. I am in my first year of Medicine, and I chose this 6-year profession because since I was little, I have been interested in helping others. My project upon completion is to specialize so that I can return to the Mountain area of ​​Guerrero, the place where I grew up, to be able to support mainly the indigenous population with scarce economic resources that has limited access to public health services. I am making this request to obtain help from Misión México, since these months it has been difficult for my family to pay most of the expenses, since my mother is a housewife, and my father does not have a good salary. Thank you for considering this request.


Angely Valeria Salmerón Oscuro



My name is Araceli Palatzin Gálvez, I am 28 years old, I am originally from Tlapa de Comonfort, Guerrero, I am about to enter university, I studied high school at the Centro de Estudios de Bachillerato 7/2. My family is small, I am married, I have two children, an 8-year-old girl and a 3-year-old boy. We live in a small room. One of the reasons why I have decided to study is to be able to improve the quality of life of the community where I live and of my family. What I want to study is a Bachelor's degree in Nursing at the University of the Puebla Educational Center, Tlapa Campus. I decided to study nursing because it is a very nice profession where I can help people with their health care and improve their quality of life. I chose that place because it is in the place where I live; for economic reasons and because of my children, I cannot go to study somewhere else outside of Tlapa because it would generate a greater expense. The degree consists of four years including professional practices. Once I finish studying, I plan to look for a job and put all my knowledge into practice. I do not have any support from the government or any other department. My family and I require some support since our economy is not so stable to cover all the expenses that are required, since we do not have a fixed salary. My husband works as a mechanic in a workshop, and there are days when things are not going so well for us. I hope I can participate in one of your bursaries, since it would be very helpful in my studies and thus be able to fulfill one of my dreams of being a professional.

Araceli Palatzin Gálvez



Hello, my name is Irene López Ortega, I am eighteen years old, I am from Tlaquetzalapa, municipality of Copanatoyac, Gro. I finished high school at the Champagnat High School of the Montaña. My family is small, I only have my mother, since my father passed away 3 years ago. My native language is Nahuatl. I rent in the city of Tlapa with my mother, so that I can study here. Ever since I was studying high school, I worked during the holidays to cover some school expenses. I am studying Environmental Engineering at the TecNM Montaña Campus in Tlapa de Comonfort Gro., I want to be a professional capable of identifying and planning solutions to environmental problems ensuring protection, conservation and improvement of the environment. I had very few opportunities to go elsewhere to study another career, but I did not sit idly by, and I looked around and found the Technological Institute, a promising institution with very well-established careers. I hope to have the advantage of studying in the mornings and working in the afternoons. The career lasts 5 years, and there is a time of practice/service which can be during or after the career, depending on the circumstances. I hope to learn to be able to manage projects among many other things to take care of the environment. I do not receive any support from the government or other entity, so this bursary from Mission Mexico would be very helpful to me. Studying a career is expensive and complicated but not impossible, I have many goals in mind. Thank you in advance for considering my request.


 Irene López Ortega



My name is Flor Esperanza Solano Cantu. I am 18 years old, and I live in Tlapa de Comonfort, Guerrero. I am beginning my first semester to become a kindergarten teacher in the Regional
Teachers College of the Mountain, in Tlapa.
My family comprises my parents and one older brother. All of us in my family speak a native language called Mixteco or Tuún savi. I chose kindergarten education because in high school we studied the importance of a good initial education for children, and I did three days of service in a kindergarten, and I loved it. The career lasts five years and includes practice teaching during each semester. I hope to be a professional teacher and share my knowledge with children here in the Mountain of Guerrero. My parents rent a space to sell clothing, but the business is not going very well. For that reason, a bursary from Mission Mexico would greatly assist me in transportation, school supplies, etc. I thank you very much for considering this request for help.

Flor Solano Cantu



My name is Vidal Martin Diaz. I am 18 years old, and I just completed high school in my home village of Juanacatlan, Guerrero; I was part of a graduating class of only five students. My family is made up of ten people: my parents and eight children. The people in my village speak Tlapaneco, but I have learned Spanish as well. I will be the first member of my family to go to university. I wrote an entrance exam, and I was accepted in the career of Architecture in the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos, located in Cuernavaca. I chose this university because I have relatives living in Cuernavaca, and they will allow me to live with them. I have dreamed of being an architect since I was 12 years old. The career involves 5 years of study, and afterwards I hope to find work with a business or a government agency. My other family members say that they will support me in my studies, but I know that just making ends meet is often difficult for my family. For that reason, I dare to request a bursary from Mission Mexico. Hopefully, any assistance I receive from you, I can repay someday by helping other needy students. Thank you ahead of time for considering this request.

Vidal Martin Diaz



First of all, please accept a warm and affectionate greeting. My name is Vanessa Rodríguez Esteban, I am 19 years old, and I speak the Me'phaa (Tlapaneco) language. I am originally from Acatepec, located in the high mountain region of the State of Guerrero. I come from a humble family with limited economic resources. I have two brothers: Sebastián and Joaquín. My mother Maryluz is a housewife, and my father Hipólito is a farmer. We spend very little time with my father Hipólito, because he leaves early to work every day in search of money for the expenses and the support of our home; my father only rests on Sundays, and that is when all the family goes to the "Santiago Apóstol" church to attend Mass and also to thank God very much for all the graces and blessings that he has poured out on our family, I love my little brother Joaquin very much because he likes to offer his service as an altar boy and helps the parish priest of the church during the ceremony of the Eucharist. How beautiful my family is!  I will also tell you about my academic life. I completed my high school studies at the Champagnat High School of the Marists located in the town of Potoichán, Guerrero. I recently entered the first semester at the Higher School of Nursing No. 1 to study for a Bachelor's degree in Nursing, based in the city of Chilpancingo de los Bravo, Gro. Since I was a child I have been surrounded by the health field, meeting medical personnel, whether nurses, doctors or dentists, but from the beginning I was always mainly interested in Nursing, since from my point of view they are people who are always in contact with people, and I have seen the passion they have for their work, and more than anything supporting people with their health and trying to avoid illness, I decided to come to study and continue preparing myself professionally in this capital city, because it is a large population and I want to start getting to know new areas, places, new people and also new experiences. The degree lasts 4 years of academic study and 1 year of social service, and with that I conclude the 5 years of the degree. When I finish my studies, I would like to be able to start working in a general hospital or health center, to put into practice what I learned in my institution, in the same way to be able to give equal treatment to all the people who require my services and be effective in my work and in this way provide a quality health service to the general population. To continue my studies permanently in this career, I will be generating monthly expenses for the payment of rent, transportation, food and study materials. However, I do not have enough resources to cover my expenses if I want to fully dedicate myself to my studies. For this reason, I feel the need to request a bursary from Mission Mexico to pay my expenses, since my parents do not have the financial resources necessary to cover the costs of my studies and other related expenses. If I cannot do so, I would have to abandon my studies, and that is something I do not want. Without further ado, I thank you for the attention and time given, and I hope that my request for assistance is considered.


Vanessa Rodríguez Esteban


Good morning, my name is Crisanta Morales Narcizo. I am 21 years old, and I am originally from Santa

Anita, in the municipality of Copanatoyac, Guerrero, Mexico. I speak an indigenous language called Mixteco in Mexico, I studied at the Champagnat de la Montaña High School, located in the town of Potoichan. My family is made up of my mother, father, 5 brothers and 6 sisters; with me, we add up to 14 members in the family. My parents work in the fields planting corn and beans for family consumption. Of the 12 siblings that we are, I am the only one who has the desire to continue with university studies, but due to lack of finances in the family, I have not been able to do so; so, it has been two years since I finished my high school. I am currently in the city of Iguala de la Independencia in the state of Guerrero, Mexico, studying the first semester of the Agronomy degree at the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, which will last 4 and a half years of study, from 2024 to 2028, then six months of professional internship. This degree is very interesting to me, since through this degree I will be able to acquire in-depth knowledge about agriculture, proper management of good planting practices, and in this way take better advantage of corn and bean production, which I previously mentioned that my family is dedicated to. I am writing this letter to Mission Mexico, to request a bursary to help pay my financial expenses on rent, transportation, food, school supplies, and study trips during my time in the degree.  My monthly budget for expenses amounts to approximately 4,500 pesos a month, and this is a very difficult challenge for my poor family. 

Crisanta Morales Narcizo

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